What is death Can death be defeated?

What is death Can death be defeated?

Should death be considered discontinued? When did the death begin? What happens after death? What does something close to death? Is there any soul? What is death-related biology, medicine and medicine?

When co-founder of Apple's Apple Steve Jobs said in his farewell speech, "Death is probably the best inventory of life" because it causes a change in life. It eliminates the old and makes space for the new. "

This phrase of the Job was emotionally sent to many. Achievements of Job, unable to help them even to death, till close relatives, and they died only due to cancer in the age of 56.

Why is biological death?
Death makes space for a new life. Just like that there are billions of cells in humans, which form on a daily basis and break, thus growth continues. A living force is found in living cells, which is used to combat and eliminate dangerous cells, such as in the fight against virus or cancer cells. Old cells are replaced with new cells, but when new cells are slow and eventually stopped, the matter seems to worsen gradually. In this way new cells are not born in the body and they begin to grow old.
Although the enzyme chemistry ensures that somehow the distribution of cells continues, but due to this, the formation of cancer cells also increases rapidly.

Biologically, the human body is active for a hundred or twenty years, but different elements like food and other things gradually reduce the age.

What is death
Physical life processes usually occur in the form of disorders of different organs, throbbing of cardiovascular systems, lungs and brain disorders. Medical symptoms are different types of death, there is 'clinical death' on one hand, in which the systematic system stops, which leads to delivery of different organs of oxygen. It may be possible to breathe with mouth to relieve clinical death, or by pressing artificial breathing and chesting it.

But if the mind is disrupted, that is, it is not possible to relieve it. Although in some lower layers of brain, some cells can survive in the form of Berne Deth, but consciousness is going on. However, it is important that brain-born people can be kept artificially-long-lived. We are in front of patients who are mentally alive, living deadly until childbirth. Some patients with mentally dead patients can respond to the external masses, but experts say it can be related to the spinal cord and they do not actually react to pain or exterior touching.

What does death do with the body?
Physical organs without oxygen or food gradually become inactive and cells are divided into the body completely, when new cells are not formed. The brain shows the fast response in this situation. Mental cells begin to die in such cases only in the first few minutes, when heart can survive after half an hour after death. In which the blood flow completely causes 'body spots' in various places in the body, which are used to study the reasons for the death of the doctor. Creating tie phosphate in the body stops in the body for two hours of death and due to lack of the primary source of cells for the muscles, the muscles begin to become tough. In two to three days of death, the intestinal system also fails, and as well as the bacterial body rapidly accelerate the process of acceleration. Even after death, some bacteria and viruses in the body can be dangerous for several days. For example, a patient with hepatitis dies, the germ in his body can survive for a long time. The complete depletion of the human body stays for nearly 30 years.

What does it look like death?
Scientific death experiences occur during the time of death of death and awareness. Religions as well as religions talk about these experiences. However, it depends on a person's religious and cultural affair. Many people do not have any problem or problem in that period. Many people feel happy, many start seeing light from a tunnel and many are very scared.

What is the connection with the soul of quantum physics?

Not only religious but scientists are also studying an unusual experience before death. This issue can only be considered through quantum physics. About which the Nile Boer predicted. According to the Nile Boer, a strong link between a source is found. However, Ian Stein had dismissed him as a 'Hunger Contact'. According to this theory, the particles separated from two integrated particles, one source, have a relationship between them, and the relationship between them remains established even after the universal distance. Scientists related to quantum physiology now fully recognize this theory. In front of the same ideology, some researchers say that the body and soul have two different elements related to a source on the same pattern, and there may be a relationship between them, despite being disturbed by the soul. However, this science has yet to be proved or denied.

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