Creating a Web Page on a PC

 To create your first web page on a PC, start up Notepad. You can find this by going to:


All Programs (or Programs)


You might also like to download a free editor called Notepad++ from 

Type the code shown below.

Go to the File menu and select Save as... You will need to save the file somewhere you can remember.

Save this file as first-test.html. Make sure that the Save as type drop down has All Files selected. 

 Start your web browser. Go to the File menu and select OpenBrowse to the file that you just created, select it and click on the Open button. The result should look something like the screen shot below.

 If it doesn't look like this, find the file you just created on your computer and make sure that it has the file extension .html (if it is .txt then you need to go back to Notepad and save the file again, but this time put quote marks around the name "first-test.html").

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