Baby born with 'Permanent Smile' Due to Rare Condition

 A mum has revealed the 'huge shock' of her daughter being born with a 'permanent smile' and is now sharing the family's life on TikTok to raise awareness about the rare condition.

Baby with permanent smile

Cristina Vercher, 21, and her husband Blaize Mucha, 20, from Adelaide, South Australia, welcomed their daughter Ayla Summer Mucha in December 2021.

Treatment is also possible through a regenerative approach using adipose-derived stem cells and certain growth factors that help in filling the defects and ultimately in functional enhancement, the Dr Mahajan said.

“Treatment can be performed as monotherapy or in combination with surgery for enhanced outcomes. This treatment has been successfully applied for facial clefts and other congenital anomalies like those in Treacher-Collins syndrome. The principle of this therapy is that stem cells are the master cells that help in the development of various structures of our body. We can utilise these in the post-natal and adult life as well to correct abnormalities and diseases in a minimally invasive manner. The sources of cells and growth factors is from the patient’s own body; thus, the therapy is safe and effective,” explained Dr Mahajan.

Dr Bajaj shared that surgery done at a young age is advisable to “avoid unwanted anxiety and psychological impact on both child and the family as well”. “It also helps correct sialorrhea, speech problems, and compromised chewing ability. The aim of surgery is to place symmetric lip commissures with normal contour and minimally visible scar,” Dr Bajaj explained.

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